October Update: New Podcast Launch! And How This Month is Shaping Up


The chill of October is here, but business has never been hotter. I’m excited to announce the launch of the Highest & Best PODCAST that I’ll be co-hosting with my friend and fellow realtor, Stevie Hahn. Stevie and I met during the thick of the pandemic on the Clubhouse app where we talked about all things personal branding and real estate. She’s a fellow IG-obsessed realtor based in Jacksonville, FL so go show her some love and follow her.

Creating a podcast has always been on my bucket list, and to be doing it with someone I found by networking on social media really encompasses what I’m all about! Did I manifest this partnership come to life?! I sure think so…

We just started recording and will be releasing new episodes every Wednesday on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. I can’t wait for you all to hear what we’ve cooked up and look forward to connecting with you even more. Follow me and the Highest & Best IG to see when our first episode will launch!

Here’s a quick rundown on how my business is this month:

  • 7.1M Q3

  • 18.4M YTD

  • 2.8M Pending

  • 2.1M Active

Don’t miss this month’s new blog content where I give you the insider scoop on:

As we make our way to Q4, I would love to hear if there’s any marketing or personal branding advice you’re looking for! Over the past year, I’ve realized that while real estate is my bread & butter, what I LOVE most is helping people from all walks of life become the best versions of themselves. As always, if you need help with anything real estate or marketing-related, don’t be afraid to reach out. XOXO -Erica